Friday, April 29, 2011

Sprint, Google Voice tight integration is live (hands on)

The new integration that lets Sprint users tie their accounts even tighter with Google Voice -- make your Sprint number work through Google Voice without porting it over or just make your Google Voice number show on outgoing calls or tests from your phone -- appears to be live, judging by reports from tipsters and our own account shown above. While there's been a limited rollout and beta testing going on already, as soon as we logged in to Google Voice today we were teased by the ability to check our eligibility for Sprint integration. As shown in the screenshot above, going with option number one appears to be a one way trip that will result in the eventual deletion of your Google Voice number, so make sure that's what you want before clicking through. Option two can be reversed later so feel free to toggle (given a ~15 minute delay) at will. Still not sure how this all works? Check out our video demo from CTIA embedded after the break.

Sprint / Google Voice integration

[Thanks, Jason, Victor]

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