Saturday, April 30, 2011

HP Veer Caught In White, Complete With AT&T Branding

We’ve been pretty sure that HP’s itty-bitty webOS phone, the Veer, would be hitting AT&T for a few weeks now — ever since invites for the device’s internal “Launch Party” specified that an AT&T employee ID was required for attendees. We’re also pretty sure that it’s launching on May 2nd.

Even still, HP had one little trick left up its sleeve: like all the other cool phones these days, it looks like the Veer is also coming in white.. sort of. Most of it is white, while the face remains black (we’re hearing that Palm’s designers did this to make the screen look a bit bigger), as does all of the buttonry (buttonry is now a word.)

What do you think? I’m sort of diggin’ the half black/half white color scheme.

[Shout out to PocketNow for digging up that photo]

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