Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Nokia-Made Windows Phone 7 Handsets Might Hit In Q4 2011

Okay, Nokia/Windows Phone 7 fans: cross your fingers. If you wish really, really hard — and, you know, if all goes well in Nokia’s R&D labs — you just might see a Nokia-branded Windows Phone 7 handset in 2011.

In an interview with Finnish broadcasting company YLE, Nokia CEO Stephen Elop dropped the following little nugget:

“Our pattern now is to announce launch dates of products very close to availability. In the past, there have been longer lead times and that hasn’t always worked out. It is possible [that we'll] see the first new phone in the last quarter of this year.”

With Elop touching on everything from Nokia’s plans to transfer Symbian to Accenture (an outsourcing) to the recent layoffs, the interview is definitely worth watching if you’ve got 20 minutes to kill (Plus, it’s in English!)

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