Saturday, April 23, 2011

Google Chrome Notebooks as Subscription Items in this Summer

If you liked the idea of the open source Google Chrome notebooks that were sent out a while back to show off the Chrome OS, you will like this. Google is going to be offering those notebooks to consumers this summer, but you won’t just be able to walk in and buy the thing.
Google Chrome NoteBooks Google Chrome Notebooks as Subscription Items in this Summer

The notebooks will reportedly be sold as a subscription item. That monthly subscription will cost $10 to $20 monthly per user according to Neowin’s sources. Google has noted that the launch date is “this summer” however Neowin’s sources give a more precise date.
According to these sources, the notebooks will come in late June or Early July. The catch here is that while the upfront cost will be very low, these machines will cost you each month for as long as you use them. The notebooks are also likely to be good for basic computing only.

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