Tuesday, April 19, 2011

iPhone 5 September Production, Antenna Design, Not Much Else

The rumours of the next iOS smartphone from the Apple camp seem to be revolving around when the iPhone 5 will being mass production, and basically don’t bring anything else new to the speculation game, but goes over old ground.

The latest of which is from Apple Insider who says that Concord Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo delivers up some details on the iPhone 5, details that don’t really offer much insight as to when the iOS faithful can expect to see the iPhone 5 but does claim the device will begin mass production in September, something we already know.

Apparently Kuo does say that the iPhone 5 will come out to play sporting the A5 processor the same as in the Apple iPad 2 but wont feature a new design but rather “slight modifications” to the iPhone 4 along with an improved antenna design.

Other bits of interest are that the iPhone 5 will have an 8 megapixel camera, again already rumoured, and that with the iPhone 5, Apple may switch to a Qualcomm baseband for GSM and CDMA versions.

Other than that not much else really, we still don’t have any concrete word on just when the iPhone 5 may make an appearance, although apparently the analyst does expect Apple to unveil the iPhone 5 at WWDC 2011.

Does the delay with the iPhone 5 annoy any of the iOS faithful, or are you happy to wait for the next Apple smartphone to appear?

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