Thursday, April 28, 2011

Apple iPad 2 Accessories: Quirky Fender Bumper: Video

So you have your Apple iPad 2 and obviously you want to keep your beloved iOS tablet in pristine condition so maybe you also purchased the Apple Smart Cover, but does the Smart Cover deliver all the protection you need?

If not then we have an Apple iPad 2 accessory for your consideration called the Fender Bumper for iPad 2 from Quirky, and we have a video demo of the Fender Bumper for your viewing pleasure below courtesy of Slash Gear.

The Fender Bumper for iPad 2 has been designed to work in conjunction with the Apple Smart Cover with the Fender Bumper delivering a clear plastic shield for the rear of the tablet as well as rubber bumpers for each corner of the device and simply snaps onto the iPad 2.

The Fender Bumper for the Apple iPad 2 is available for pre-order from Quirky and commands a price tag of $18.00. So head on down and check out the Fender Bumper for the iPad 2 footage and see what you think…enjoy.

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