Saturday, April 9, 2011

Today’s Mobile News in Brief (April 8th, 2011)

As reported here on Cell Phones Etc. and across the Web, here’s your daily brief on what happened in the world of mobile phones this Friday, April 8th, 2011.

Future Shop throws in a $50 Gift Card with Rogers/Fido Nexus S on 3-year
Rogers/Fido hasn’t officially released the Nexus S yet to the public, but you that’s not stopping Future Shop from offering it to their customers. In fact, they’re further sweetening the deal by bundling it with a $50 gift card. So, any takers out there?

Fring lanches Group Video Calling beta
Don’t look now as a new era of video calling is upon us. Fring, one of the pioneers in video calling/VoIP for the iPhone, is now testing out their newest service, group video calling. Group Video calling will be available for both the iPhone and Android platform, and allow users to engage in simultaneous video call with up to 4 users. It’s already in beta so it probably won’t be long now before it’s finally released to the public.

Samsung Nexus S

TELUS joins others and reduces Nexus S price to $499.99
So I guess Telus finally saw the light. When they outted their Nexus S, it had one of the most expensive price points – $179.99 on a 3-yr contract and $549.99 off-contract. Rogers, Fido and a number of other carriers are offering it much lower – $100 on a 3-yr deal and $500 outright purchase. Today, Telus has lowered their off-contract price to match the competition. Unfortunately, their 3-yr contract price still remains the same. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope that this too gets lowered soon.

Symbian No Longer Open Source
The title already says it all. After becoming open in February of last year, Symbian will now cease to become an open source code as it returns home to Nokia from its erstwhile stint with the Symbian foundation. Nokia will, however, still continue to provide the source code to their small developer community and Japanese OEMs. It’s just won’t be open anymore.

Update: Bell & Virgin HTC Incredible S already price dropped by $50
Wow, that was fast. After being released a week ago with a $99.99 3-year contract price, the Incredible S is now retailing for just $49.99 under the same contract term. Both Bell and Virgin Mobile have lowered its 3-year contract price for their new HTC Android phone by $50. This should be good news for those who held off on buying the Incredible S last week. I can’t say the same though for the early adopters out there.

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